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Samsung built in dtv

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dothawkes31 | 21:41 Sun 11th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Hi, I've just got home from work and turned the tele on and all the channels 1 -8 have disapeared, I;ve gone into the DTV menu and channels and manually and auto searched for them but they are still missing, they were there last night!!! what am i doing wrong? (with the TV not life in general)


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did you do that retune?
It's cause it's a Samsung!

They are crappy.
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no i didn;t do it that way i did it from the channels thingy, i;m doing the reset now thanks
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not so MWB, they are vert good
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it's not worked, I've reset and it is still missing the channels, they were there last night : (

So good they disappear channels.
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I don;t have a 'crappy' TV, it's fine, the built in digital is having signal problems it seems, which is not the TV's fault.
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This one is excellent, it's a signal problem i think.
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samsung are pretty good, maybe you have just had bad experiences mwb :)

my daughters digital box used to lose channels regularly, they would come and go on their own
I think that there might be 8 digital channels per analogue channel, which would corroborate it being a signal problem.
Question Author
It's built in fewwview annie, you can't get cut off!!!
Oh just done a reset again and they are all back!!! oh no BBc1 and 2 are, but not ITV, channel 4 or channel 5! it'ds channels 1,2 then 7, 8 is missing, it must be a signal thing
It'll be alright tomorrow - I promise
Question Author
lol I've put Family Guy on just to forget about it !

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