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what colour does a smurf turn if its choking?

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beverleymot | 18:55 Wed 07th May 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
what colour does a smurf turn if its choking?


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I don't know but I am giggling like a loony at the question! Lol! x
lol, could it be a darker shade of blue ;o)
Had a bad day at work and this has made me laugh out loud. Don't know the answer but thank you anyway.
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duh why green ?
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knobby I hope your marriage works better than your brain.

DUH, Daggenham Diickheads.
Because of cyanosis they would just remain blue, maybe go a bit bluer, but you wouldn't much notice.
They actually go a nice pinky skintone kind of coulor

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what colour does a smurf turn if its choking?

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