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having a fun day today

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slinky.kate | 11:36 Mon 21st Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
cleaner in doing my chores,cinema this afternoon,going for meal and then a game of bingo,what you doing


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nothing your day sounds better than mine can i borrow your cleaner when their finished at yours please ???
being antisocial as possible,was out being polite me yesterday,not pos to be good 2 days in a row
Playing on the net....

Done the shopping this morning...plumbers here but he's playing poker on the internet. Waiting for Brian to wake up (my little kitten) so I can chase him round the house again.
morning kate and all, my grandson has been abit poorly all weekend with sore throat and dry cough and so he has not gone home as his mum works, and so I am looking after him, rang his school and they suggest I ring the swine flu helpline about it, great, I'll wait and see how he is when he wakes up. Other than that It is my youngest son's 23rd birthday today, he went round Bolton on sat night with all the lads from the footie team and so he is still recovering, quiet patient day i would think!
My freinds daughter was feeling a bit poorly...she phoned the doctor and they said swine flu...she had a sore throat ffs...
I know ummm. I know that's what the helpline will say! it's what happened to me the other month, though i did also ache from head to toe, he isn;t complaining of that, but his cough is dry and his throat is making his voice sound funny. He's not woken up yet, he must have drunk 3 litres of flavoured water this weekend, he's been so thirsty!
hey ummmm......did you see that belly pork recipe in the M0S yesterday?
My sons voice is like that all the time. I've never met anyone with such a weak voice. He's hard to understand his voice is so croaky....and yes, he's had it checked.

When he throws a hissy fit he can't speak for at least two days....thank god..!!
No...What's MOS?
sorry....Mail on Sunday............sounds really different it's belly pork with chillis, garlic, ginger. soy sauce, and maple syrup........
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No I'll have a look.

I'm so sad...I love reading recipes..

I'm doing it with mushroom sauce because it was on 'something for the weekend' yesterday.

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having a fun day today

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