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A good deal

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Sqad | 14:14 Tue 08th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Blimey, if I was a 67yr old married to a 28yr old escort girl, I would tell her to take the £500,000.

At £100 an "encounter" she would need 5,000 encounters.

Why go for a divorce with that young goose, "laying " golden eggs?


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Time to bring out the Viagra, Squad and give her a good going over !!! lol
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redman....LOL.....Me? just a bystander, I collect the money at the door.;-)
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what in the hopes he pays it before they divorce and he can claim half?

£100 seems a bit cheap considering what some escorts alledgendly earn according to the press
How much are the Door charges, Squad as I'd like to watch as cannot afford the 'Fees' !! LOL
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Well I could only divide by 100, that's why I said £100.

Ordinarily one is looking at £150-£250 per hour for an average class of escort, but one can easily double that for an upmarket escort.

It always beats me that people still pay money for an escort girl when they can go on dating sites and get it for the price of a half of bitter and pie and chips.
Question Author it is you, I will treat you.
LOL Squad !
Craft1948 should be on this thread as we would like a logical Mature opinion of things on these matters.
Have not seen her for a while, maybe she has eloped or gone on Holiday with the Builder !! lol
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LOL DixieGal !
She certainly has a way of seducing these Men.
She must be a Plumbers and Builders dream Gal !!

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A good deal

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