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fao salla

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Sqad | 08:57 Fri 04th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers


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Have you hit enter too many times sqadlet???
Question Author I wasn't signed in...........or something....:-)
Well it's good to see that there are more as confused as me. Hi sqad
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Peri....morning my love.
It's a beautiful morning here Sqad with a slight chill. life is complicated but still very very good in parts. God I'm deep this morning. How are you doing?
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peri...believe it or not I am moaning.

In my study in my underpants with the air conditioning full on, as it is now 30degC. The last rain we had was May 25th and we see the odd cloud in the sky and pray for rain which hasn't yet arrived......I suppose being an Atheist doesn't help when one is praying for something....LOL

You didn't tell me the tests showed Psoriatic Arthritis but there again, you ordered me of the thread.LOL your condition would disappear overnight if you came to live in the med.
No Sqad the test didn't show psoriatic it showed extremely high inflammation - the doc thinks I present more signs of psoriatic. I know the weather day would be wonderful as I discovered on hol in Ohio -I was a joy to be with (for a change). Equally if you want rain Ireland is the place for you - Swap?
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peri......still, I will take the hot weather......for the moment anyway.

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