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ohhh noo

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izzieamy | 21:57 Tue 18th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
i have a slight dilema, one of my closet friends (a girl) told me she's bisexual, and i told her that thats fine i dont have a problem with it , it's just who she is ect. but then she dropped the bombshell............she loves me .... :O i dont know what to do ....... i dont want our friendship to end but i think this may cause awkwardness......any advice ?
thanks x


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told you it was the school holidays.....
i'm perfectly calm thankyou, maybe a tad exasperated

see what you mean crafty
I agree with chuck, it makes no difference, just bit awkward you being mates same as it would be if a bloke matefancied you. Just tell her you just see her as a mate thats it.
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Okay thanks guys :)
still going to scouts izzieamy?
-- answer removed --
when i was at school my best mate finally told me he was gay - it was a bit obvious for years really - and that he had always fancied me. dunno why, i was a spotty geek.

i just told him i was flattered but he didn't stand a chance as it was't my thing - which he knew anyway - and we have remained friends to this day - 22 years later.

you just have to be grown up about it.
what the hell does it really matter.... straight or gay, same sex or other sex - if they are a friend then they are a friend....

End of - cant people just say - not interested and the other person not take offence...?

Or am I a too straight talking Yorkshire lass...?
Question Author
Okay thanks for the advice guys. :)

Craft...what do you mean do i go to scouts ? I never have ....?

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