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joggerjayne | 10:47 Mon 20th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Guys, please ...

Is it true that you get a better shave if you haven't shaved for a day or two?

Several guys have told me this ...

... but I don't understand how it works.


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The longer the stubble the more satisfying the shave.but after 3 days its a drag lol
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LOL @ "drag"
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You see, I've shaved (and cut) the occasional guy's chin

(Leggy is right about the "drag")

... and it seems easier to get a smooth finish from a "light" starting point.

But I'm told you get a smoother finish from a "heavy" starting point.
JJ...yes......but don't know why.
It feels more refreshing because you get to remove a few days' growth, and also the dead skin cells that will have built up.

Leaving your skin free from a razor's attentions for a few days occasionally allows it to 'rest' and recover from the constant abrasion of a razor.

I have never ever shaved every day - i do shave more often on holiday when it's hot, but at home, I shave every other day, of that, often every three days.
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Now, the other thing I'm told

(don't ask why we were discussing shaving)

... is that, despite the adverts, you just can't get a REALLY close shave with an electric razor.
i have a philishave triple head

like they say 3 times the head is better than one

its as close as you will get

and can be handy when you cant be arsed shaving lol
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Why is a razor handy when you can't be arsed shaving ?

you can have an electric shave anywhere if you have a cordlless rechargeable

its like a vibrator that shave

you follow??
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A vibrator that shaves ?


Gillette make a psssy razor (they don't call it that) which vibrates.

Seriously ... it's called the Venus Vibrance.
If you are using wet shave, A blade will cut much easier if it is hot, Ie soaked in hot water first.
As silly as it sounds, i get the best shave from BIC, but it has to be bic orange,,,, for sensitive skin.
Electric razors are fine for convenience, but best used with appropriate 'before' and 'after' balms because they do tug like hell.

From choice, I prefer the hot water and cold steel option - with a good blade and taking your time, it's a far better result.
JoggerJayne !
Is it true that if you shave off all body hair you can run faster !! ??
Just a thought ! LOL
I wouldn't recommend using an electric shaver for a brazilian/hollywood and I wouldn't leave more than 3 days between shaves.

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