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john1066 | 17:07 Sun 12th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Why has Osama Bin Laden not been found. With modern hi-tec Intelligence they must know where he is. Saddam Hussein was soon found hiding in a hole in the ground. It didn't take long to get him. Do you think there is some under-lying reason why he has not been caught and sent to' Paradise' x


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It's rubbish that he is living in a cave in Afghanistan.
He is working in a chip shop in Basildon
Olive...left a message for you on Body and Soul..." I feel lonely etc"
he's in my caravan & paying in cigs ;)
I bet they're Camels not Regals he's paying with
sqad - answered!
Thanks...a bit worrying.......he is at risk of not being taken seriously in his career.
Sqad, it's a phase....mainly adopted because his current girlfriend is a goth. I'm not too worried about it, apart from when he raids MY wardrobe lol
I think he's Gordon Brown's advisor....
Olive.......I had a mate at Scarborough and one of his sons was a Goth. He got married to a female Goth and my mate and his wife, reluctantly went to the wedding and the photograph was in the local paper. The got married in their Goth outfits and he is now an undertaker........LOL
Must be something in the water in the North Yorkshire area.....could it be a certain.......Abbey?
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Serious question......Rubbish answers.....Never mind kids, Christmas will soon be x
The taliban are mountain fighters and unless you
nuke them they will never give up the fight and Osama
Bin Laden is an English educated man he
knows how both sides think ..a very clever man...
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Excellent answer......
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What are you doing on a site like this ?
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Is nobody going to bite ???
Hi john 1066 , Answerbank is ok , but when the
numpty brigade are in full flow on CB , I retreat
as it's not worth the abuse ..are you a 1066 area
person as in Hastings !!

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