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MWB | 13:41 Sat 11th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
It's been a day of push bike assembling, then riding around on it in glee, due to the sheer joy of it being non-rusty, light, gears & brakes that work - hell, just the newness & workingness of it!

Tuckered myself out. Off to bed. It's still early, 11.41pm.

Ka kite ano. :)


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I had a bike once MWB.

Her name was sharon and she was an Essex girl needless to say
Don't knock Essex Girls - my Tracy is wonderful!

Why are they called "push" bikes then when you are supposed to ride them?
I've never had a twace postie must be one of the only names that I have not had.

I've had three Pams though and 2 Elaines (not all at once ) well I was having one of the pams and her sister Christine at the same time though.

Now I'm just stuck with a bloody duck

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