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The "sterile" thread

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MWB | 11:07 Fri 10th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
on Body & Soul has been deleted.

I wonder why? Victorian attitudes still abound I guess.


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They spelt the Word incorrectly, MWB !It should have been Seamen !
Question Author
Lol, redman!

But how can anyone think such a thing in this day & age?
Agree MWB ! They should wait 'till after dark and not mid morning as it is now in UK !! lol
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Oh no, I'm going to hell - I saw her bare ankle!!!!
We need Squad to give us a Medical opinion on this matter before you go to bed over there in NZ or before this Thread is banned like the other one !!
I blame myself. my mother warned me not to get involved with men like sqad :o/
Yeah! yeah!.......but who complained?
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A puritanical ED, that's all we need!

It's only 9.24pm here, redman. Not going to bed for yonks.
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Sharp intake of breath!

There is a MAN in this thread, and I am without a chaperone.

My reputation will be in ruins!
The reason its been removed, ( rather than a puritanical editor ), is that it was Gravy who has been removed under multiple other user names
Reminds me of a past bf who told my dad not to worry as he 'was as sterile as a baseball bat'..........had a 'shotgun' marriage to someone else ;)
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Gravy? That's a new name to me.

Thanks, rosetta.
Message to all Men on here- No firing Blanks whilst MWB is without a Chaperone !!!!

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