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DebsyDoo | 14:51 Tue 16th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Looks quiet on here today - where is everyone ?


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well i just read one called 'steel witches' if you see it avoid it the most boring thing i've read in a while! what sort of thing do you like?
Question Author
Hiya Jan !
Yes, nice here too in Hemel Bumstead !
Was sat out on the balcony reading yesterday & Sunday (well gotta try & keep the tan up - it cost enough !)

Like allsorts, McF - but read The Missing (Chris Mooney) on Sunday & The Closer (Michael Connelly) yesterday !
i like MC, have you tried Jefferey Deaver or James Patterson?
Question Author
Yeah, must admit - I did enjoy MC's one (it was the Closers, by the way) Think I've read something of Pattersons, tho' can't remember what it was !
I'm gonna pop over there now & see what they've got - see you in a bit xx
James P is brilliant, I'm on number six of the Womens Murder Club!!!
I'm leading an expedition of one to try and find my desk, it's burried under this lot somewhere... I may need some rope.
Question Author
Hi all, back now . . . .

I Got

4th of July (Patterson)
Echo Park (Connelly)
Skin Privilege (Karin Slaughter) &
Bare Bones (Kathy Reichs)

Any comments on these ?
Bare Bones is alright I seem to recall.
4th July is brill, it's the 4th womens murder club one. There are 8 of them. Better to read them in order really but I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Mum loves Kathy reichs and also Mary Higgins Clark. I'm going to try Tess Gerritson next
read and enjoyed all of them, guess your in for a good afternoon, i'm going to help China find her desk, got to be more interesting than pretending to update the P11d reports!
Question Author
Ok, cheers for that CD !! I shall start with that one !
Fluffy - I was really busy yesterday afternoon from 2:30 onwards and had a meeting so I put my phone on answer machine. This morning I had 29 messages!! That's not right and it's sure as hell no playing fair. I have 28 unread emails, I'm finally on my lunch break and I can not find my desk for love or money... Someone is takiing the proverbial!
Oh CD that's not good :-(
Question Author
Oops . . bit of a timewarp there methinks !

Yeah, McF - I think I will start with the KR one, but all look good !
What's the first one, oh - no, it's okay Rink - just looked inside the cover !!

Oh well, see you in about four or five days . . .
oh easy, press delete on your voicemail and accidently erase the lot and do the same with your email - just be careful not to open anything (in case of read receipts), then blame IT for changing your settings so everything went to your spam account by mistake and therefore deleted

not that i have ever done anythign like that before
Question Author
Oh, and good luck with the desk CD x
he he LOL
Tut... The one person I want to speak to has called while I'm on lunch... FFS!

Deep breath

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