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omg !!

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NoMercy | 18:48 Fri 12th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I was just sitting at the comp when something flew past me and came to rest on the back of the sofa. I initially thought it was a bird, but, upon closer inspection, I was horrified to see that it was a bat (with rather scary fangs) I grabbed the nearest thing (a broom) and tried to shoo it out of the back door, but it spent several minutes flying round the villa, terrorising the hell outta me. Alfie, the useless lump, just sat there staring at it. I eventually chased the damn thing out of the door, still screaming and wielding a broom. The neighbours, who were sat on their balcony enjoying a couple of glasses of wine, took one look at me, grabbed their glasses and retreated to the safety of their villa. I'm expecting a visit from the Guardia any time now...


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Poods - I'm shaking like a leaf here. And lord knows what I'm going to say to the green-booted rozzers if they turn up !
Shame on you NM...the poor bat is more afraid of it may have been a young one. They will land in peculiar places as their 'radar' is not in full working order.
I once found a bat in the shower with me when I visited my ex in-laws in Scotland. The wee thing was terrified...first the cat dragged it in...then I almost drowned it.
Another time I found a baby bat in my net curtains,..we had to wait til dusk to set it free. That is what you should have done.
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Never mind the sodding bat - I don't have fangs or carry rabies ! And it could have bitten poor Alfie if I hadn't chased it out.
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It was just an ugly black thing with fangs. Pretty tiny, tho. Hence why I thought it was a little bird at first.
Now that it knows just how you feel about will most likely return tonight with all its mates....;-0
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You're scaring the hell out of me here, Pasty....

I've already thrown a brand new swimming cossie in the bin.

Anyone know the Spanish word for Bat?
Mmmmmm.......I was speaking to NM....and being just a tad sarcastic.
Don't worry NM...I am sure what happened was a fluke. Only young bats with poor navigational skills are likely to be out during daylight hours. This I was told by the local Bats charity where I was living when we had the one in the net curtains.
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And I love you for your sarcasm, Pasty. xx lol

I think the neighbours are definitely going denounce me, cos they keep looking at me through the slats in their French shutters. Which is why I desperately need to know the Spanish word for "Bat". I cannot just flap my arms about and make hissing noises, or they will definitely be deporting me tomorrow (possibly in handcuffs).
Will this help,NM????[2]

...I am afraid sarcasm sometimes gets lost on here...;-(
Spanish word for bat. el murci�lago

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omg !!

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