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Roman crime wave

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HillyHugger | 10:08 Thu 28th May 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
There were a spate of burglaries in Rome last night . The Police want to interview the Man U midfield as no one can account for there whereabouts between 7.45 & 10.00 last night


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hi hilly,
it was Messi in Rome
Unfortunately I must agree Hilly...........
The new Mastercard advert...Flights �600, night stay in Rome �300, ticket to the game �200. watching Man Utd get tortured by Barcelona, PRICELESS.
Agree LFC......when Liverpool got knocked out it certainly saved their fans some money........
-- answer removed --
FOR SALE: 68,000 "We won it 5 times" t-shirts in manc red. Ideal for cleaning windows or wiping ur dogs ars�. Phone 0161 20 20 20 and ask for Alex.

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Roman crime wave

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