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Joanna Lumley

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HillyHugger | 17:40 Wed 06th May 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I would give her anything


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I'd only give her 1.
Naaaaaaah!...not a patch on sllabananas.
Ooooops sallabananas.......sorry salla.
I here she likes a Gerkin... did I hear that right?
^ hear
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She can have my Gerkin any day
There was a young man called Perkin
Who was alwas jerking his Gerkin
His mother said " Perkin stop jerking your Gerkin, your gerkin's for ferkin not jerkin"

Bum Bum
She could have shared a dorm with us when she was Purdey ...

... or in Shirley Valentine.

Oh, hang on Hilly, have I got this wrong ... ?

Are you just expressing how much you sympathise with her efforts on behalf of the Ghurkas ?
I hope they let all the Ghurkas in, with extended families, then build a whole new town to house them at the bottom of Lumley's garden.
No, Whiffey.

They'd have to settle somewhere near an airport ...

... somewhere like Croydon.

The only planes that land at Croydon airport nowadays are model ones. Mind you, there is plenty of room, and it's miles away from me.
I'd rather live next to a family of Ghurkas than the scum who are currently in residence.
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They'll be on the streets keeping the rioters at bay in the summer . Then you'll be grateful
Fine, but I would prefer that the 150,000 population new town was built at the end of Joanna's garden rather than mine. It's rather crowded around here already.
Why are old and frail Ghurkas dying, and where? A stirring interview with Nick Clegge on C4 News. Let's build the new city at the bottom of his garden.

A fundamental question - why do the Ghurkas need to settle in Britain? What is so wrong with the country of their birth? Why don't they use their heroism to build their own country....... It certainly bears a little thought.

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