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I'm defeated. :(

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MWB | 12:24 Tue 28th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I've had a rotten headache all day, woke up with it. Have taken codeine throughout the day, which has eased it, but I just gotta go to bed.

It's the ole arfritis in me neck - like. I get headaches quite often cause of it.

And I was looking forward to some jolly bantering.

Ka kite ano.


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I hope you feel better soon MWB. Headaches are awful things. I get them alot too. :(
catchya later

woolabra wongaaaa
puǝƃǝן oןןǝɥ
Confusing yourself now abbs?


Mwb chat later all the best ya nuttter : o)
Question Author
Thanks, abbie. :)

Watch it, leggy ya Irish goober!
Its not me you gotta watch mwb.


anyways get rested

kiwi nutta
Aww..take care....hope you are well later . Mwaaaah!! xx
Hi mwb

Hope your headache goes soon, sweetheart !
(horrible things when you get 'em bad!)


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Maybe its from that massive chip you carry on your shoulder?mooooooooooooorning mwb!
Poor you MWB, you have my sympathy- headache/migraine from neck problems are dreadful.
Feel better soon x

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I'm defeated. :(

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