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fao mrs_0

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sqad617 | 18:05 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Oi! what about Christine Stephenson......surely I haven't been forgotten that quickly?


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I haven't seen her for ages. I told you she moved out of town!
I told you she looked blank when she heard the words "Handsome surgeon etc" but she said she'd have a word with Joan Thomas to see if she could remember you.
(Do you remember Dr David Thomas?)
As soon as I hear anything, I will tell you....promise!
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Of course I bloody know him.....didn't they live in Robin Hood's Bay?
I don't know where they lived as I didn't know them that well.

When he retired he became something of a joke with the local funeral directors when they needed 2 docs to sign the forms for cremations. He would be at the funeral directors with his pen in one hand and the other held out for his �40 before the body was cold!
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Funny that you mention that.............I used to do clinics in the morning and operate in the afternoon at Whitby Hospital, but I had the GP's in Whitby trained to ask me to do the 2nd part of the crem. forms at lunch time........nice little cash earner.

I use to refer to it as "ash cash"

He was so keen that often he would shoot in, sign the form and head for the door before it was pointed out to him that he hadn't actually clapped eyes on the body!
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mrs_0.....that is routine proceedure....LOL

As a junior house doctor, if we kept them alive, there would be no extra cash, but if they died and were cremated we got cremation fees.

The money would be put in a kitty to buy booze for the next mess they didn't die in vain.

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fao mrs_0

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