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your darling children

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SLINKYKATE | 14:35 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
whats one of the funniest things they've said,we took my son to a farm and he stood and watched two pot bellied pigs trying to have sex,i was trying to pull him away and he said'are they doing a magic trick,


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My youngest was three and we had to catch two buses to nursery, and during one journey she saw her first black person, a gentleman aged about sixty. She stared at him for some time, and then confided in me in a voice loud enough for the entire lower deck to hear - "Daddy, that man's got black skin!" and he smiled at her, and she smiled back.

Having studied him for a few more minutes, she observed in a similarly valuminous 'stage whisper' - "He's got black EARS!"

my daughter did a menu for sunday lunch at my mums, she listed everything we were having and drinks, unfortunately she did not know how to spell black currant, this became apparent when my gran asked my mum what black c*n* was.

Oh, how we laughed.
When my daughter was 2 or 3 one of the little girls in our street wet her knickers and her mother sent her inside to get some clean ones. As she was putting them on another little girl said 'I can see your bottom' so her mother said 'Yes jane and we all have bottoms'. My daughter considered this for a moment and then loudly announced 'Yes and my daddy's got a very big tail'
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i remember sitting upstairs on the bus and i'm sure everyone heard him saying'mum,are you growing a beard,i had one long hair on my cheek
Slinky, the pigs were playing 'hide the sausage'
I was a single parent and at christmas my parents and I took my daughter to see father christmas, she was about 4. Father Christmas asked what she wanted, she said she didn't know but mummy wanted a man!

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good one
My neighbours 4 yr old son was a very serious little creature, she took him to see Santa, and when he said " I'm Santa, wot wud u like 4 Christmas " he replied " You're not Santa, you're an imposter " !!
My eldest was about 3 when his uncle walked by with his English Bull terrier. He studied the dog carefully, and then when we got home, he said: "Why's Uncle D's dog got a bent face?"
when my daughter was about 5 she had a really bad tummy, went to the toilet and shouted down the stairs quick mum my bums been sick lol
years ago my son was obsessed with where his food originated. one day he said, "mum, what animal is a quiche?"
i blame the parents
This week we were watching that programme "Grow Your Own Drugs" and one of the ingredients he used was beeswax.
Youngest Junior Overall asked me
"How do they collect the wax from the bees ears?"

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your darling children

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