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My bathroom fitter has asked how I want grouting.....

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craft1948 | 11:21 Wed 01st Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
I am currently considering 'on all fours' but once again may have misunderstood - any helpful ideas?


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Don't get conned into making payment for 'extras'
You can always tell a good tradesman by the condition of his tool.
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no nokno that was the first husband......
mcmouse looking at him he could probably get his leg over anything but at the moment he's doing my 'wet room'
"Wet room?" that's it...........REPORTED......AGAIN.
If he leaves it a bit it will get hard and then you can polish it.
Usually comes up nice.
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these 'tips' are really helpful chaps...
sqad - behave - this is a family site you know.....are you not playing with your balls today? my wet room I have a filter thingy that keeps the hair away from the hole.
craft has a wet room...............
well you are knocking on a bit Crafty.
I would love a wet room.
All that freedom to move around.
The multiple showerheads & nozzles.
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absolutely noknob - I am actually really having a wet room fitted despite poor sqad thinking
craft.....just found a handy little tool called a is a little tool and it is handy.
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salla you're making me think twice about this now - never mind the plumber would I survive the first shower - I am a laydee pensioner you know..............
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sqad thank you but as far as I am aware I don't need anything unblocking - reminding yes......
There is nothing quite like a good rodding to clear out all those blocked tubes and pipes.
craft I apologise - I had you in mind as a nifty 30-something!!

But then - it's never too late to give your pipes a good clear-out and your tiles a good grouting. Never too late...
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that's what my daughter thinks salla - and she is the nifty 30
Oi! with all the excitement of this thread, I have become aroused and have got my pen1s stuck in the aforementioned plunger. I am hopping about in my study with my trousers down trying in vain to pull of the plunger. I can see though my study window. the car coming down the drive with mrs sqad and friend.........any advice please.....quick............bloody quick.
Serves you right - dirty old man, sticking your pens into a plunger - what are you thinking about?! I had you down as a man with more class... ;-)
salla...class? me?, just a normal oversexed pervert.....and proud of it. LOL
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serves you right sqad - fancy a respecatble person like you getting excited about tiling - still it takes all sorts......

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My bathroom fitter has asked how I want grouting.....

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