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wass gonna come on

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legendis.god | 00:08 Tue 31st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
but harry hills tv burp is on

see ya after if folkssssss



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Can't stand him.
ditto Icey dont like harry

I hate him...!!!!
Promises,promises.......guess we have to wait for the king.....
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the wire

i will be watchin that tooo

d t h �?�?�?�
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All I can say about him knobby, is that he's an intelligent guy, but I hate the way he constantly licks his lips. Eeeewww! Looks like a cat after it's had a bowl of cream!
me too leggy....HAVE to after all you have said-lol

turning over now..
Pfffh! Rubbish.
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Would you pay to go and see him then??
i'd give everything i own to meet harry hill..the guy's a comic genius!

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wass gonna come on

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