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legendis.god | 02:00 Mon 30th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

been great
thanks to chockfookings for saying im an amazing user

and red dwarf fpor saying im most popular

a special mention to dabeees for his " legend is the center of ab " thread earlier

and also to puddicat for her " leggys the user id most like to hump now ive been abandoned " thread.

to evryone else i have to say thanks for sll your emails etc and i know that when youre thinking of me


im being thought about

nytol and take care to you all.

the messssssssssssssssiahhhhhhhhhhhhh



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do you need a cheeky servant????
Ah! Now you're talking! Yes, cheeky ones are fine, so long as they know their place. Mwhahaha!!!! x
Still trying to find that
Bless! : )
Well I put someone in his, tonight. He was getting VERY cheeky!
?? Oh ????
At home hun - not on here!
lol!!!...a big guy..or a little 'un??
A big one, with a small and dirty mind!!! : )
Anyway peeps, I'm going to make tracks myself now. Night to Leggy, pasta, pink - and anyone still awake. Sleep tight. xxx
Nite punkin...I am off to nod also xx

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