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tatu | 13:47 Sat 28th Mar 2009 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
just wondering why all the fuss about the police officer being penalised and suspended for being a member of the thinking of joining myself ,would i be sacked from my job in the royal mail if i were to go ahead with it ??


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Check your employee handbook, but I would be very surprised if Royal Mail employees are expressly barred from joining the BNP.

Police officers are banned from joining BNP because of the damage it does to race relations and is incompatible with the duties of an officer.
Question Author
thanks,,just concerned about all the bad press the bnp get on this site too,,for wot?
Because members of the BNP are seen as racist oiks who spend their free time 'P a k i bashing' and walking their Rottweiler.
Hmm is this the same person who is disgusted with his pregnant wife's fat body and failing looks?
I feel I should add something because I've just been called racist myself! the "smoking" thread under "jokes". apparently I made the thread racist... an interesting view :o/

tatu, you are "joking" too, I assume?
it's like every political party, really. If you are specifically concerned about the press that politcal parties get on here, rest assured it's the same for all of them. Find an opinion and you'll find someone else who disagrees. It might be best to get a real life if you get concerned about the reputation any political party has on a question and answer website!

Anyway, as per the first answer, you'll have to consult your employee handbook, but i would again be surprised if it was expressly banned

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