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stompe where is my ?

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craft1948 | 22:53 Tue 24th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
just neglected again..................


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Hi craft - how are you?
Stompe is slacking.
Will resume normal service tomorrow Perhaps Hi Girls
No Stompe, we need music lol

Tue 24/03/09

PMSL@JJ what have you done now,Raped Raymond Blanc! lol
stompe, is that you ^^^^^
Question Author
I want my stompe....
Question Author
and possibly some firelighters

hello bensmum - missed you xx
Night Night all xxxx
Question Author
stompe - you can't put your jimjams on yet - people are relying on you.........
Bensmum are you back yet?
nite stompe x
Stompe ...

I didn't do anything.

I was just minding my own business, when...

... Z A P P P !!!!!!

Gone !!
Question Author
panicking now as no stompe - so okay one of my favourites ....
Hi - and bye, early start tomorrow!!
Question Author
so stompe - no sodding music then.....

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stompe where is my ?

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