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What would you take . . . ?

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DebsyDoo | 19:12 Thu 19th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Hi all ! We've just heard of a possible job opportunity - doing a delivery to Saudi Arabia !!! If it comes off, it would be a really interesting experience I'm sure, but what stuff do you think would be needed - in addition to all the usual "cr@p" we have to take for the Gib run ? What extra's, or neccessities would you take ? (It's a 4+ week run)


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take 3 litres of vodka and a few osama bin laden piccys .

will read more from you in 2025

Question Author
Only 3 litres ???
the most awful place on this planet ..
2 faced ..have you seen the vid of Saudi
women trying to eat spag bol with the
veil on funny ..but also sad ..
Always have something to wipe their mouths on though...
Question Author
Just as well wasn't thinking of takin' any spaghetti then !!

Was actually hopling for some helpful suggestions . . . should've known better really !

Hey Ho !!
well 1 litre of voddy in saudi will get you the lash

but 3 and a piccy of osama

and we wont be reading your tales of the unexciting

for many moons


did that debsy doo doo


For gods sake dont take any porn otherwise it'll be 100 lashes and they'll find your head on a stick!
Question Author
Just as well wasn't thinking of taking any porn either then !!

(Not into the S&M thing !!!)
You will find the major cities e.g Jedha, Daharan, to a lesser extent Riyadh, very westernised and everything you would get in a European city you will get in Saudi Arabia.

Of course don't take alcohol or pornography into the country.

What necessities have you in mind?
Question Author
At last !! a sensible response - thankyou Squaddie !

Don't really know too much about the job yet, other than it's a general haulage delivery (not sure to where in Saudi) but as never done the middle east - not quite sure what to expect !
I think that it'll probably be part ferry (due to the cost) rather than totally overland, but I assume that unlike mainland Europe (of which we've quite a wide experience) facilities will be fewer & farther apart - so stuff, like the basics & anything that will make it a more "comfortable" journey !
Debsy...still not sure what you want.

Preumably you will come overland through Turkey, Jordan and into Saudia Arabia. You will be surprised how good road facilities are.

Which part of Saudi Arabia are you travelling to?
Question Author
As I said, not sure of actual destination, or even if is same one each time !
I dunno if is totally overland, or by ferry from either Brindisi, Patras or Pireaus.
Anything out of the ordinary that you wouldn't normally expect to have to take for a delivery to anywhere in say, the main parts of Europe !
Lots of insect repellant, immodium & . . . . . . . ?
Sad person donkeykebab ...
Question Author
Excuse me . . .WTF R U on ?
Deb......the only thing that you will need is plenty of bottles of water. Also go to your GP and ask for packets of rehydration powder that can be reconstituted in the event of diarhoea.

Anything else that you can think of?
deb...futher thoughts:

Amoxycillin feeling sick.

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