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Talking of scatty brains

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4getmenot | 13:07 Tue 17th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Have you ever thrown away something you shouldnt have? Whilst having a big clear out at weekend I decided to get rid of my Malibu collection, Malibu bottles, beer mats, Malibu torches, Malibu stirrers etc. Anyway I have a dancing Malibu bottle and was going to sell it but I cant find it anywhere and think my bloke threw it in bottle bank with the other bottles.


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A 'dancing' malibu bottle.
Does it only dance when you're drunk on Malibu or have you actually seen it dancing when sober?!!
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salla can you remember dancing sunflowers. Basically it wiggles from side to side when music is played to it. Its gone now
weirdo alert!
My Ex BF threw out a brand new BBQ because he thought I didn't want it.

He also threw out my Xmas tree when clearing out the cellar. He denied it when I asked him but he told his mates in the pub what he'd done. The Xmas tree box had all the decorations and every Xmas thing my kids had ever made from Nursery until it got chucked.

I was not happy.....!!!!
I once threw out my back door keys. Muppet. Luckily, my ex still had his set so I didn't have to pay a fortune to get the locks changed (I managed to do this about 3 days before I completed the house sale!!!)
Long time no See ^^^^^^^^^^^^
(Waves at Barmaid)
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I got in the bath with my socks on not so long ago....:-( Must be my age. It worries me how many times I have put the wrong things in the wrong places ;-)
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ha ha no I dont xac I only collected malibu things. All gone now though. And no flying ducks either!! lol
Hey Zacsmaster, what about the one in Del boy and Rodneys flat? That had optics too!
Hi all, No one is more scatty than Bea methinks?! Keep leaving the house phone in the strangest of places- outside on the garden wall, in the cupboard under the stairs and even in the fridge ;-) Put a memory stick from my camera in the bathroom bin once, too- luckily found it + was not damaged! Actions can be very strange at times for sure ( never was this scatty before neurological condition) yet can laugh at self:-) Humour is the best medicine anyhow! Time for some lunch now, in the conservatory :-) Caio for now + great thread 4getmenot( forget me nots are such pretty flowers, too) :-) Bea ;-) enjoy the sunshine everyone please ;-)
I once shredded my OH's new tax disc - he was not best pleased I can tell you!

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