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FAO Legend Bloke

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Ladymojo | 21:38 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I've been referred to you from Quizzes & Puzzles - would you happen to know the meaning of the Scots word - CAPPERNYAM - any help much appreciated, Thankyou.


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sorry cant help

� d t h ?
There's nothing like that in the Scots Dictionary. Have you any more information regarding the word.
Do you mean Capernaum? It's just across the Firth of Forth near Dunfermaline I think, but it may be a Roman name for Edinburgh possibly, the links I found were a bit vague.
gallikle etc

taxi here

Brucehaven Harbour is now known as capernaum
Capernaum Pier (pronounced Cappernum),
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Many thanks to you all for your help - Scotman has came up with the answer - extremely fussy & temperamental. Thats a new one to me! Thanks again x

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FAO Legend Bloke

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