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I can't believe it!

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WiseOldSage | 22:13 Fri 06th Mar 2009 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
Today I received a letter from a debt agency addressed to my ex husband. We have been divorced nearly seven years and he has never lived in this property as I have only been here three. How has this happened and what are the consequences? I rang the company and they said, you won't get any more mail, but I don't believe it!


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My theory is Experian or Equifax were probably able to trace YOU to the new address. Now unless you contact either Experian or Equifax to let them know that you are no longer connected financially, they may still consider you a couple.
As long as the letter was not addressed to you and you have proof of the divorce, there are no possible consequences as you are not the debtor. Even if they do send you more mail, you have every right to send it back 'Addressee Unknown'. Now unless the loan was in JOINT names or the letter was addressed to both of you, I can't see any other consequences, however, for your own peace of mind, apply for your credit report.
Do you know how old the debt is and is it solely in his name? Is it possible he's used your address when arranging a loan?
I know someone who has recieved letters from debt collectors because she has the same surname and first initial as somebody else.

I think these debt collection agencies just try their luck when they can't find the person they're actually looking for.

Send any letters back unopened.
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It was for a contract for a mobile phone that was never in my name. I'm just intrigued as to how they have found me when I have reverted to my maiden name in the interim and remarried (so changed my name twice!)
It does happen. If they can't find the person they trace people who have been associated with them. I had the Inland Revenue turn up on my door. Nothing will happen. Give them his new address if you have it.

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I can't believe it!

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