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Mr T

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no-knowledge | 11:29 Sat 28th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
On soccer AM............. never heard him speak before(other than acting) he seems a great bloke and quite funny too.


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As funny as Lee Mac last night live at the Apollo?
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Er no ailie
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Mr T as just become a Barnsley fan.
Sorry no kno but ....face facts, I wasn't going to start talking about football & as I was always in the kitchen making the tea when my boys watched MrT..... I was limited in how I could take this forward..
Do you know, I could really go for a KARR Cat Feltz right about now. Can't help it when I get the munchies.
funny u should say that cos i jst spied a google link ad on the page suggesting I needed to get some nus for MrT & I should buy a snickers !!!..........who writes that stuff
hes a real nice guy

if i rememeber correctly

he was a bouncer / doorman

then was one of the early wwf wrestlers and was hulk hogans tag partner in wrestlemania 1
he got a big break on the a team and was in the rocky 3 film too.

hes a nice guy btw

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