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Face Book

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missprim | 01:36 Sun 22nd Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is there a way of removing yourself from Face Book and if so, how?


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yes, if you go to "settings" there is an option to "deactivate account".

"settings" is top right of the screen
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Thanks Sara
Not your cup of tea missprism?
even though you deactive your account you can activate it again when ever you so wish.
Question Author
Thanks to Sara for explaining how to deactivate my account and thanks to reefgal for explaining I can go back if I change my mind.
And thanks for ignoring my answer
I appreciated it, Elvis x
Question Author
And thanks for calling me missprism!
lol :o)
Oops, sorry missprim, typo, although missprism has a nice ring to it lol

Thanks sara
woohoooooooooo i got stars
thanks missprim :)
Question Author
If it was a genuine mistake then I forgive you Elvis and if you really were Elvis, I would forgive you anything :-) x
It was a genuine mistake, honest

As for really being Elvis.....Damn!

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