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stompe | 22:14 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
thread is Dead! R.I.P


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Ruffled a few stompe!!
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Puddi carnt help it someone should stop the rot people are giving up on here!!
Bensmum it is an opinion.And a personal one.
But without facts to back it up , then it is merely a personal opinion.

Its no more valid just because stompe is a friend of yours , albeit in an online way.

Stompe i rise to and tackle challenges with ease.
For someone who left a few days ago after upsetting the cb users from facebook.
And then retuirrning a few days later to say the site is going down the pan.
I must say that youre leaning more towards part of the problem than soloution.

Sorry stompe - hijacked your thread again. But there are plenty of good people still on here so I'm not giving up hope. Besides, as I keep saying, everyone is entitled to an opinion
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Legend can you answer a direct question?
exactly bensmum

gotta agree with you

stompes returned it would seem

only to slag the place off?
if thats the case

why did he bother?

the sites foine and many trolls and green imposters have been removed

today gourmander was banned

and thats a move for the better

in my opinion and others too

im sure
stomope i have

can you read answers?

touche eh ?

btw are you just back to argue and moan about cb and complain?

if so why didnt you stay away?
Legend - I have no axe to grind with you. But we could talk round this for hours and lifes's too short. Stompe has valid opinions and so do you. Your opinions differ, is all, which is no bad thing.

why anyone would return
when their opinion is so low of the site


thats a bit retarded

in my opinion that is
Question Author
Legend just look at the morning thread no hijacking no abuse And look whos NOT on it! does it tell you something!
whats your point?

you werent on the morning thread for days

does that mean you shouldnt come on then?

if youre diggin at me

say it straight

and tell us why you returned if its so bad?

No arguing lads. If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all :)
well bensmum i answered a thread about long threads

now stompes started some aggro about morning threads

seems it was started to cause trouble

very sad
Question Author
And when YOU were away did you notice anything? But what your do now you will attack me at every opportunity see if i care! you should protect this site you have the brains now grow up!
Btw Legend - I have been known to have a go at stompe as well if I felt he was out of line as I'm sure he will confirm.
stompe im not attackin you
i merely pointed out you left

werent coming back
after upsettin folk

you opsted askin if folk wanted you to stay

and puddict said she did
you then left

and now
youve returned
to moan about how bad the site is

well im only pointing out what youre saying

i couldnt care less if you stay or go

though some of the stuff you say to women does make me wonder if youre frustrated?

all this ill stick my soother in your mouth and whats that hairy thing between your legs??

and theyre since you returned too

so dont try and say im starting

im far from that mate
evening bensma
-- answer removed --
Heyyyy beejay - good to see you. You're not going to start arguing are you?? :)

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