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sqad617 | 10:14 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Morning my little cherub, so sorry that I missed your thread yesterday as Monday and Thursday are my snooker days 12-1400hrs. First of all your hair looks divine and your nails beautifully manicured and that dress is just made for you. Fish supper, a few laughs, anecdotes and back to your place at which we will realise how much we mean to each other......will Plaid Cymri be there? LOL LOL


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Bless you salla - I just have to see your name and I'm in stiches!!! of course you're at your peak! I hope to be, ahem, at peak later tonight!! ;-)
zac, the post was highlighting the fact that angel thought she had a right to park in a side street instead of paying for car parking.
silly bint.

(btw, it's called........P.M.T.)
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"salla....................I can think of more fun things to do than watching an ageing geriatric wiggling his hips 'a-la-tom jones' !!"

You mean like sitting infront of your PC on CB all day.

"Ageing Geriatric"...nice one daniela.
up to 11am is my limit. I am now off to make home made soup with plenty of veg.
Oh dear - something else I've put a bit wrong! I am sure he dances like Fred Astaire or even John Travolta?! but then - you've never seen me dance. You can tell I was first a dancer in the mid-70's to mid-80's. My daughter laughs every time she sees me - says I look like a demented chicken. Nice ;-(
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zac...where is your education?

PMT.....Permanently Moaning Tart.
hippy - by the sound of things, either you or he will reach a peak tonight - & I'm not talking Kilimanjaro. Let's hope you both reach the summit.

I hope I do, but unlikely I'm afraid. He Who Shall Be Nameless tends to run out of breath when he reaches the plateau...
I'll give you tart! you cheeky beggar.

ageing lothario!

(we are only joking arn't we?)
Sqad - watch it...
PMT - you can go off people you know ';-)
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salla, daniela.........sorry, I apologise....went a bit over the top there.
Still friends with you zac.
that sqad now....................he's a different matter.
I'm begining to wonder about him.................fancies himself as some sort of hippy shake fella

oh for goodness sake........
apology accepted sqad.

Now I have gone over my time limit on here look you see.
( a bit of Welsh there just to remind salla about her bf)

Off to make my soup.

Bye all.

BF - what BF?!
(I did just refer him a few posts back, to hippyhoppy. Maybe I wasn't too complimentary, Bless him.)
I thought your bf was a posh welsh bloke! lol! Still not heard from him this morning.. as reaching my peak this evening may not be achieved..!! ;-)
He is a posh welsh bloke - but that doesn't mean to say he's got the stamina for a lot of mountain climbing... well maybe the welsh black mountains, but not Everest, if you get my meaning.
They do try though, don't they?!
..there's always Keith.......................!!

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