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Dancing On Ice.....

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NoleenColan | 22:02 Fri 13th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I hope you`ll be voting for me tomorrow?, I`m doing really well in practice

I`ve been skipping lunch and doing extra sessions, that`s why I`m still a size 8


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you are rubbish, it doesnt matter what dress size you are
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cazzz1975, I am not rubbish, Todd Carty was rubbish, Michael Underwood was rubbish

The costumes I wear are rubbish, they make me look like a size 16
lol you sooo want people to b!tch about coleens dress size dont you x
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I sooo do not want people to b!tch about my size 8 dress size thank you very much x
yeah okay...
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So, you`ll be voting for me then?
So you're a size 16 in a size 8 dress , that must be stretch lycra !
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OMG!!!! how dare you say that!

now come on noleen tell the truth the only figure eight you will get is by skating it and hun dont think you can manage to do that.
btw how the hell does you partner manage to lift you are you on wires.

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Dancing On Ice.....

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