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Painful Bones

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Notveryhappy | 17:50 Tue 10th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

My baby is due in a week and all my groin bones and pubic bone hurt and are achey. Is this normal. I thought it might be the pressure from the baby, or does anyone else know what it may be.

Thought i'd ask



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I would imagine your pelvis is opening, to allow delivery of the baby.
it could be this condition lhealth/physicalhealth/pelvicpain/

I have had it and its almost crippling, hopefully you wont have it for long
could just be that baby is engaged
or could be SPD though it seems a bit late.

speak to your midwife, they wont mind a call.

ps the "pregnancy" section is in "family"
Also, why are you called "Not very happy", Notveryhappy?

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