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legendis.god | 22:36 Mon 19th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Have you got one ?

Or are you waiting until later in life?


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I have nothing of value
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Still worth having one Cazz. People are worth more than they think. Plus, what if you win the lottery just before you peg it?!

I've got one. Although I could do with updating it.
Being in my right mind I intend to spend it all. :-)
have to change mine - married now!! thanks for reminding me!!!
You will need a new Phillipa. Unless you made your will "in contemplation of marriage", it will automatically be revoked.
I would have to do the lottery first bm :D
Got one.

Want to make sure that my close friends can all go to the Caribbean and drink cocktails on the beach in my memory.

NB. If any of you are reading this, the gifts are void if you bump me off, okay !
lol Cazz.

I meant you will need a new will Phillipa!! Doh!!!
i made one several years ago which should be the only one i should ever need to make hopefully. A will should be professionally drawn up if there are any circumstances that may cause your beneficiaries to be put in a quandry. the wording on mine is hopefully airtight.
just to add, i am not being a morbid sod, it is just that I travel quite alot and it means the loose ends would be tidy if the worst happened
I'm taking it all with me - it's mine, mine.
no, was not in contemplation, made six months before I met him!! Currently says kids would go to my mums, but now I know they would stay with him, and Mum would be happy with this. Will still make new one tho... xx
Can I scrawl on my front door " this all belongs to: *insert daughter's name*
Guess that won't work.....I need to make one..
I used to be MD of a will-writing company so, unsurprisingly, I've got a will. I updated it last summer and got two colleagues to witness my signature while we were standing in the car park of a Tesco store. (I wonder how many wills get signed in odd places?)
It would be valid if you had it properly signed and witnessed pasta.

(Although it would really pi$$ the probate registry off)

There are wills written on egg shells and one on a ladder!!!

Chris - I witnessed a friend's will. In the middle of a field in Scotland!!!
how many wills get signed in odd places ...

Like ... at the top?
I'm with Pasta........I need to make one too
I have had one since I bought my house. Since I have no spouse or children I wanted to make sure the house was given to my siblings.

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