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modeste | 17:33 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Checking on last 2 12d Smoke Giotto could draw so well. I have Perfecto? 36d Show anger and pursue suit in minor legal setting. I have LOWER COURT? any help/explanation Thanks in advance


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12d Perfect-o - a cigar & Giotto was said to be able to draw a perfect freehand circle
36d Lower court - alt sp. of 'Lour' + court (to woo, pursue a suit)
Yes Perfecto is a cigar and I guess it is Italian for perfect, i.e. so well.
Lower Court I am still struggling on too.
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well done Lie-in-King, knew I could rely on you!!!
Another definition of LOWER is to frown, scowl, or look sullen; glower:
that's how I did it.
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