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Has anyone missed me ???

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puss_boots | 23:02 Sun 28th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I'll bet no one even noticed that I haven't been around. I have been poorly with Mr.FluBug. Well I want to know if you are all happy with what Santa brought you, or not as the case may be. So what I want to know is what you all had for Christmas..


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Hiya puss, welcome back :-) xx
I didnt have anything and my birthday is in a month so I feel old and cheapskatey
hopoe you are feeling better puss, this flu is a real bizem
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bizem.......I love your words cazzz, I think you should be working for the Oxford Dictionary as a new word researcher.
Hello pussnboots , good to see you honey , I hope your strength and health returns soon .
I'm very happy with my xmas gifts btw :-) xxxxxxx
hi, i've had the dreaded lurgy as well its been horrible! hope your feeling better anyhow!
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Here it is.. stion679743.html
Tell ya what, i'm losing patience with this site- it keeps losing me answers, and takes ages to submit anything :(
Well last year at this time I gotta da flu too. Tried to keep going til in the end I literaly fell into bed as that was all I was able to do and stayed there for days!
But this year I've managed to dodge it, though I'm usualy at the front of the queue.
For preziez wot I got woz- five quater bottles of Absinthe (one of each type), A bottle of Dow's Port, large bottle of Dark Rum, Bottle of Whisky, Two hour plus D.V.D. of Phonejacker, 20 Traks of Dionne Warwicks Gratest hits, �100 pound "bonus" and two weeks off work- so it's "keep going wit th'ed dahn til Cyprus in April !
I hope you're fully recovered puss_boots (I can't say you missed a lot on T.V.) I'd of found more entertainment in a game of chess-
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Hi Puss. Yes I have missed you, and hope you are feeling much better now. It does take a while to pick up your strength again, so take care of yourself. Prezzies were nice, slippers (posh embroidered ones), lots of chocs, schnapps, books, perfume, amarula, and my favourite Scots shortbread. Hope your presents were nice too.
Keep well. Schutz.
No, I'm on a diet. - But, as it's Christmas, go on then, yes please!

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Has anyone missed me ???

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