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I'm so sad today!

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funnygirl | 09:44 Mon 08th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
My son's girlfriend who is 6 months pregnant has gone into premature labour and the doctors cannot stop it.

My son says the baby will be born today as it is affecting his girlfriends health.

This was only one of the problems I've had over the weekend!!

I have a computer virus, so can anyone please please help by reading my question in computers. Please!

I am so stressed out at this moment in time, waiting for news which I hope will be good news as the baby will be quite small and may have to be incubated.



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Hugs funnygirl honey , I wish all the best to your sons gf , she , and all of you , must be so worried . There's a lot can be done for a premature baby these days though and if the little one makes it to the neonatal intensive care unit if they can't stop the labour it will be given every chance of survival even at this tender stage. I will be thinking of you sweetie xxxxx
That is so sad, funnygirl. If its any consolation at all, my friends twin boys were born at 27 weeks. Small, but perfectly healthy. They are now strapping great 9-year olds. Hope all goes well x
sorry to hear that funny, but I hope,,,,
Well i'm sure everything will be O K.
Sorry to hear that I hope everything goes okay for her and the baby x
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you too that all will be ok with your son's girlfriends baby.
It must be an anxious time for your son, and I send love and best wishes to you all.
Hi funny,

My thoughts are with you and your family, as bigmamma says, the healthcare available to the little 'uns is excellent.

Please keep us updated.

Lots of love xxxxxx
My thoughts are with you all. Baby will get excellent care Im sure, and I hope the hospital will give your son and his girlfriend the much needed support. Bigmamma will be able to help you with any questions that youl face over the coming hours, days etc as well.

sOd the computer virus, concentrate on the littln. hope they are ok. xxx
Question Author
Thanks for all your replies!!

I am at work as I need to concentrate and cannot do that sitting at the hospital or home!!

My boss has said, any developements, just go!

I will keep you all updated!
Just wanted to add my good wishes funnygirl. I hope all goes well for everyone - as all have said the healthcare for very premature babies is excellent now and I am sure that your son's girlfriend and the baby will receive the best.
My thoughts are with you Funnygirl......hope things turn out ok xx
Thinking of you all funnygirl xxx

My friend's little girl was born at 26weeks and is now a thundering two year old who is perfectly healthy, and a match for any child her own age born at full term X
so sorry funy

big hugs to you
i will think about you all day
and your son girfriend and baby
hope all goes well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ohh dear Im sorry to hear about your sad day funnygirl:(
Me and my twin sister were born 2 months early and we are perfectly healthy 16 years olds now:) Im sure everything will be fine....:)
Il be thinking of you:)
Bless you and your family. I will send up a prayer. x

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I'm so sad today!

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