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Good morning

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bensmum | 10:52 Sun 07th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
So what have I missed? Had computer problems (well, telephone line but nice BT man has fixed that) but been rather poorly and slept most of yesterday - did I miss anything?
Hope everyone has a good day - I have the energy of a wet lettuce so I'm not up to much!


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hiya-bensma--well you missed the good morning thread -y'day and the one started earlier today--not much else that i know of
hi bensmum, hope you feel better soon, youve not missed that much on here
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Good morning beejay, weeal and doc. The BT man was very nice Doc - he came out this morning to mend the fault and has now fixed it so I can't complain.
Hello bensmum honey , missed you a lot love , nice to see you back :-) xxxxx
Morning beejay , weeal , and Doc :-)
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soz morning also to beejay, mamma and doc
Morning all. Feel better soon bensmum.
Good party last night, weeal? :-) xxxx
hi bath, it was ok, had the car so wasnt drinking and home by 11pm lol
well if you were home by 11 from a scotty party,bigal-you just missed the fighting and then the spewing...oh and the police visit
lol beejay, glad I missed that then
...and the visit to the local hospital for the stitching up of the revellers
tee hee it was a very friendly birthday party beejay and you can see the kilted chappie on FB pics lol
So true beejay , that's the scene anywhere in the late evening
rushes to FB to see the kilted chappie >>>>>....
Morning all, i know just how you feel bensmum, i`m still recovering from the flu and my broadbad was down last week.
hey kola, hope you feel better soon
hope your broadbad is better soon -H K
Thanks weeal, i`m much better now but have been laid up in bed for most of last week. As bensmum will know, you pick up so many germs working in a school.

Thanks Beejay, broadband is very much up and running.
Morning :o)

Hope you're feeling better soon, bensmum xx

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