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Its begining to look alot like Christmas.....

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buzybee | 13:13 Fri 28th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
....soooo cold this morning just back from town and it felt very christmassy as i walked around the streets. I saw 3 people buying christmas trees!!

when is everyone going to put up there christmas tree & decorations??!


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not in frigging november thats for sure!!
prob about the 18th. Been wrapping presents this morning was out doing dancing with Rainbows and Guides last night all in santa hats ...Oh I love this time of year. Local Am Dram panto tonight..OH no it isn't !! OH yes it is!!
As said its meant to be 12 days before crimbo and take down 12 days after,walking passed people houses and seeing up in the full glory in the middle of november what!!!
Our tree goes up as late as possible (when the kids were tiny it was Xmas eve) and comes down as soon as possible.

Bah humbug!

I leave the Xmas cards on the mantlepiece/windowsill as long as possible cos it gives me an excuse to do no dusting.
I built our tree last night. It's my job and I won't get a chance to do it next week. It's huge and takes forever, but it's waiting in the garage to be moved and decorated now.

Agree with 4get, though, deccies in November are just wrong!
I used to love christmas when my 2 were little but once theve grown up its not the same , the magic of it all goes , setting the nativity up with them was lovely , they used to hold baby jesus so carefully between them and changed his place numerous times ... so he can see us they used to say , il drag the tree out around the 15th or so i spose .........................
I still don't feel chrissmassy!!
im not going to put any decorations up till about the 18 dec .by then with a bit of luck i will have my celings put up .from a flood i had in sept ..:(

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