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zzxxee | 12:03 Sat 22nd Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
has anyone ever been regressed whats it like id love a go?


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knobby you mean,
friend or enema.
I tried once but I relived having to see my family burn to death in a house fire. When I woke up I had pooped myself also. I reached down my trousers and got some to show him but he was sick. I tried to cheer him up by drawing a mustache on myself using my own rancid faeces but yet again he was sick. I wanted to try it again but he wouldnt let me back.
Lung ...

That must have been a bit disappointing.

I shouldn't bother doing it again.
I have! Turned out I was a teacher in Edwardian times. My name was Elizabeth and I saw my classroom and the kids. Its a great experience,go for it!!
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thanks china will have a go when i can find out where someone does it i live in bristol does anyone no of anyone near who is a genuine regresser?

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