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drinkkk plommblem

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kujawski | 00:17 Wed 12th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
doz anyyyone fink i have a dwink ploblem, blooody keys bored?


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Not sure. What time this morning did you start?
I have a drink problem.

Two hands but only one mouth.
i have a drink problem.............disposable livers have'nt been invented yet!
i have a drink problem.
i dont drink enough is that what you meant?
Being as everyone is looking so green! I'd say you've all got one lol
No chance. Packed in drinking before I had the children, who're 9 and 10 now. Just indulge now and again. : (
Being as everyone is looking so green! I'd say you've all got one lol "
nah thats the after affects of dyhdration.

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drinkkk plommblem

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