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whats the point

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dizzeerascal | 15:27 Tue 04th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Why do people feel the need to have many different user names? is that not the cowards way?


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youll be supprised, just you wait and see,
I'll make you eat your own words, for afters.

Bah, dumb bint,
What do wimmin know about cooking,

PFFFFFFFFT ..............tut
you hearing voices in your head as well now then boo
Try again - YOU were the one complaining it was boring on here yesterday but I see you are back for more today.
sorry knobby...what?
Not a dating site? Speak for yourself, I've managed to pull a few birds on here.
what with, ? a shire horse, ?
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No need to be jealous because you've only managed to pull leg end, vibrasphere.
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dont matter now boo the moment has been lost now inbetween itchy and scrachty and gi jane
it really doesnt matter. it depends what is asked really. As long as you dont abuse the site with them. I mean even if you only had one you still called redcrx boring yesterday and were quite rude, I'd say less people are trusting of you right now.
Do people feel the need ?
If you say so how do we know youre right ?
Who has them ?
How do you know that ?
How do we know that you know that ?

Does it make them a coward?

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whats the point

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