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ll_billym | 23:29 Sat 04th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Vote on that inane tosh that appears in the bottom left hand corner of AB?

The last one I had was for me to vote on whos celebrity divorce I thought was most tragic. There were at least 9 choices.

The one now is asking if I clear my cache every time I log off my computer.

What a waste of my bandwidth.


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I don't really bother sometimes.
Although,I have voted on the odd occasion.
Depends if it sounds interesting or not.

The one I see at this moment,is asking......
Who do you believe is to blame for the contamination of powdered milk in China?
I don't think I'll bother answering this one either.
Gosh BANDWITDTHthats a bit of a mouthfull on here I am not so sure if us C Bayers would understand what that meant.

But I know what you mean so just please speak to us in our own language like.

What a load of bolloxs all the voting thingys are on here and if they annoy you that much then just dont read them

Sorted innit
I dont read them past the first sentence unless I want to nod off
what does the car tax one mean? When did they change that about an older car?
I've never voted on them and probably couldn't even tell you what's there now imhotep :-) x
Oi bigmamma wheres boris
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I take your point but in your example you didn't mention my bandwidth....

not only is that sh�t a load of bollox it uses my download thingy and slows otha thingys what i wanna download down.

I don't read them but i wuz just wonderin if ne1 votes on em?
Oh god we got one leg
Billy bum is a bit posh as he puts a hyphon fingy above his I when he spells sh�t and all we do is spell it like sh1t.

Oh dear we are in deep sh�t now
Knobby , I haven't seen Boris , I think he must be down in cornwall looking for you .
Noooo not cornwall his sat nav must have gone on the blink cause we was in devon.

Oh no my poor old boris.

Hang on now is he not the new mayor of london now, god from balencing on your porches nose to mayor of london in one stroke.


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