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Roll on 5pm on Friday...

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CAJ1 | 14:49 Mon 29th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
My boss has decided to move 3 people to each others offices. There is no logical explanation for this apart from him thinking this is a great idea, the people in question don't even want to move! And guess what...I am the mug who has to move all their files, cupboards and box up crap even though there are several other people who don't have as much to do as me, I am sooo fed up. I don't know how he comes up with these ideas. Anyone else having a cr*p day?


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Maybe he knows theyre doin sod all work.Usually you move staff to optimise output and cut down on skiving.
They wouldnt betold directly to avoid a scemne , but id guess theyre not pulling their weight , or at the very least more work is ex`pected of them.

D T H ?�'

Btw im having a great day.

Question Author
Nope, its not that because they're all busy and are all managers too (but he's above them), they don't seem to skive and half the time they work out of the office so that theory doesn't make sense.

I'm glad you're having a good day!
yep, roll on 6pm saturday!
Its usually to get more work either way.youre never moved to do less work .

Yes, how about cleaning three lots of staff toilets in 45 mins? 15 mins per toilet, room, 3 toilets per room, re stock hand towels & toilet paper & clean the toilets, on the last minute as a favour.
not so good here either. my remote links to office arent working so i cant do anything and the house next door is being gutted by builders so i cant hear myself think.

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Roll on 5pm on Friday...

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