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do you need to pay tax for this?

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k8_doran | 17:42 Fri 25th Feb 2005 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers

I am thinking of drawing pictures for people and obviously them paying for the item. Would I have to pay anyone any money like the taxman or anything? I am talking about one picture per month, if that so it is not really a job. Thank you


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You would have to register yourslef as self-employed with your local tax office, but you can earn up to nearly �4000 a year before you have to pay tax on that income. Get advice from your tax office- they have all the answers!

i havent started dancering but i did when i was little is that o.k or wont i be albe to be a dancer cause of this!!!!!!

Ellie- this is posted on the wrong question!! I will answer it on your question!

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do you need to pay tax for this?

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