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topogigo | 14:47 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | Reality TV
38 Answers
Stop supporting this awful concept that is Big Brother. have none of you a shred of sophistication?
It is possibly more humiliating to watch it than it is to partake in it, merely because you must have to admit that when you could have done something towards getting it abolished you didn't, you all sat there saying "I think the fat lesbian with the cleft palate should be evicted this week because her bum is bigger than the other air heads in there."
Aaargh, Why Lord have you forsaken us. the normal decent people of the world and allowed this garbage to infiltrate our senses?


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Yes Ironic, i was pointing out how it would be wrong not to watch a film because of someones personal life, lots of people contributed to that film.
But i draw the line at accepting the work of a pedophile as being art.
hee hee, this is getting interesting...

now stop this bullying & namecalling you lot. You're no better than................. Rex !!!
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No name calling here salla...
As long as i have been on this site, the most pompous one of them all Mr.Hughes has talked down to people. He probably thinks he is the oracle cos he used to work at the AB.
if you dont like it dont watch it topo, if you dont already watch it why is it bothering you so much?

well I am very new to this site, its the first time today I've looked at any other topic other than motoring, law or quizzes. Boring topics obviously compared to this one. I think I shall stick around a while... might want to review some of andy-hughes' poos (as well as yours??!!!)

sorry, typo again.... i meant posts. Obviously...
I don't think I talk down to anyone topogigo, and if you feel that I have done so, please accept my sincere apologies.

I certainly don't think I attract any special status simply because I used to work for the original Site owners - and I would challenge you to back up your statement - or withdraw it - if you think on reflection that it was a little harsh.
erm dont post? :-) You've wasted alot of valuable time talking about how not to talk about it :-) andy hughes is great and has helped alot. Now how about X factor?
oh yes, good one 4getmenot.
The x-factor? Cheryl & Danni at each other's throats?
Which one does Simon fancy the most?
Which sob-story is the best so far?
Is Simon Cowell fanciable?
HOW much botox has Danni had?
the one in care
er no
and lots
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"Judging by your response to the 'Christian Bale' question in Chatterbank, I am surprised you know what 'sophistication' is!

Oh of course, you were just being 'ironic' and i am an idiot for not being sophisticated enough to understand.

Normal? Decent? Hmmmm ...."
Courtesy A Highes.

Nah you don't talk down to people.
I think BB is good at highlighting people such as Alex, and shows that there are nasty people out there such as her. I have seen bullying on Wife Swap in the past where a husband was belittling and bullying a guest wife. Towards the end it was also apparent that he did and probably still does the same to his own wife. It has also happened in I'm a Celebrity and probably shows like Shipwrecked etc.
Perhaps you are less able to spot irony from others than you are when you are offering it topo?

Surely if I were as pompous as you suggest, I would pick you up on your spelling errors?

Come on, let's be friends ...
I've never watched big brother until this series. I remeber my colleagues talk of it and I thought it was somewhat sad for this to be the highlight of their day.
I've watched it this time around because it's something i can watch with the kids and comment on so we are all sharing the viewing experiece hardly quality time but it's something, and sometimes it's funny.
I find I'm more interested in the psychology: motivation for behaviours of the housemates.
Also I think because i've resorted to watching this it proves the standards of TV have fallen dramatically because it seems to be the best thing on the telly now. How awful.
I love how you call BB housemates "victims". They volunteer to enter the house. They know what to expect and yet they still go through months of selection process to be a part of it.
I am not ashamed of watching it. It's just entertainment. If it's not to your taste then fair enough, but there's no need to be so melodramatic about it. Lol.
Boogie, I actually agree with you!! There is total rubbish on the TV at the moment, and this was the only thing on, although I have watched the early ones, the last one was dribble. This time around they seemed to have more umph to it and the characters have been entertaining if not irritating. Unfortunately people like Topotwitio feel the need to barrack other people for what they watch. You're doing a Darnell, just making it worse for yourself dude! Oh sorry you don't know who Darnell is do you.
each to their own as they say ,there's a lot of things that drive me mad but I don't have a go at people who do so I suggest you mind your own ******* business
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Thanks for having a go at me by pointing out that i shouldn't have a go at people there Tinkertom.
Ah hahaha. Dude, you come to this site criticising people's tastes and telling them what to do. *You* started this, and I am surprised you did not get worse reactions than Tinkertontom's earlier on.
Play with fire all you want, but don't complain when you get burnt.

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