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BillySugger | 18:21 Sat 23rd Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Liverpool top of the league !


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yehhhh Billy, Fingers Cross! Was very Lucky to win!! Typical Stevie G on the 94th min?? lol :)

100% win record so far lol xxx
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ermm Randy, most of the players in the prem are not English. most are foreigner players most did play in the Euro, infact in Liverpool, Torres, Alonso, Reina were winners for Spain.

there were no Football team for Great Britan because... how are you suppose to pick a team from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales?? they are rivals to each other when it comes to Football lol.

give it time billy, they are just keeping the place warm :D
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only in football randy :)

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Arsenal are still one nil down!!!!!!!! :) yes!
weren't cov ****** top of their league this morning lol lol lol
lol cov sh1tty
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Good old Fulham ! haha

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