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How long is it til 5pm?

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CAJ1 | 16:34 Thu 07th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I have been typing since 8am this morning, I feel like banging my head off my keyboard, I'm still only on page 45 of 121. There are painters in the office too stinking it out with paint fumes. Roll on 5pm so I can go home...anyone else fed up???


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I'm always fed up!!

Coming on here is my only salvation.

Only 20 minutes to 4pm and that's when I shoot out of the door!!!!!
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Wish I was finishing at 4pm funnygirl :o(
Cannot you lose the pages!!

Spill some paint on them!!!
Question Author
Good plan! I'll go see if I can get some off the painters!

Although I may be on tomorrow then complaining that I'm in trouble lol
-- answer removed --
More to the point ... how long until wine o'clock (6.00)

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How long is it til 5pm?

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