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4getmenot | 12:36 Thu 24th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
in what I thought was a very quiet town, yer it has some problems but I can walk on own at night and not be worried. Well in past month theres been couple of stabbings, last night someone died from it. Is it going to be like London in all towns all over the country in years to come? If it is I dont want to bring children into the world


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I know what you mean 4get - it is very worrying and frightening and it does also make me wonder about bringing children into the world. I want children really badly but I sometimes think it could be selfish to bring them into a world like this. Maybe thats an ott reaction though as you're not supposed to let these individuals rule your life.
the stabbings last night werent a random attack sis, it was a serious domestic.
There have always been murders and random attacks, yes there may well be more nowadays in the big citys but not in such towns.
I remember there being a fight and murder (stabbing again) about 25 years ago in town, its hardly a common occurance
i know what you mean. I wonder where all this hatred comes from?
The press have created a type of hysteria over knife-crime and it is so easy to get drawn into it.

It's a shame that stabbings have happened in your town, and yes, it is becoming something more of a problem, but sometimes the true facts are different from the bare facts.

In the town where my ex lives, there were THREE STABBED IN A WEEK according to the local paper, and a flood of concerned people whjo felt the town was no longer safe.

The facts were that all three incidents were domestic related, where women had stabbed their abusive partners in their homes - one of whom died.

The headline DOMESTIC ABUSE SOARS wouldnt have sold papers, and wouldnt have had the same impact.

In my village, there are constant reports of gangs of youthes roaming and terrorising the streets, yet all I see is a group of friends hanging around with nothing to do, very much like I did with my mates 25 years ago.

There is no doubt that moral standards are plummeting, respect for parents and any kind of authority is plummeting, and there are certain areas that must be horrible to grow up in. However, the media hype is making us all worried that everywhere is becoming a ghetto - which isn't true.

The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day and I'm off for a sandwich by the side of the river to cool down!
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yer I guess wasnt really a domestic, well not between man and women. He was having an affair and the husband stabbed him. I just see how some of the kids are, little sh!ts basically
That paints a nice picture y -cymro - a nice sandwich by the river in the sun - couldn't think of anything nicer to do on a day like today. Shame I'm stuck in work :S
it was between man and woman as the woman is in a critical condition. The fella she was allegedly having an affair with died
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ah I see
Hi forget
Don't believe evrything you read in the papers, as y-cymro says. I do a lot of press releases to our 2 local papers, recent heading said 'Burglary and Drugs biggest problem for 'Anytown' Police' The report was in fact about crime in another town but covered by 'Anytown' Police the whole article made 'Anytown' sound like an inner city slum.
Interestingly the same papers haven't printed the stories about the local kids who, on their own, raised �15,000 to replace the worn out equipment at the local skate park or the story about an 'Anytown' project winning a prestigeous (sp?) South East Region Award. Good stories, especially about young people doing good things, never make headline news!
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I havent read anything in papers
4get, frustrating isn't it! I intend to go to another country where people have more respect for each other and where the bad are punished and the good are rewarded but we get it the other way round in this country.

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