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whats you opinion on...

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rugeleyboy | 17:00 Mon 21st Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Mixed raced people!!!


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the few that I know are very nice people
The one I know is very pale skined and edits his photos to make himself look seriously black
Mixed race people and usually hardier.....a bit like mongrel dogs (mixed breeds).
Neither one or the other ...
What an odd question rugeley- may i ask why you're asking it? xx
Don't have an opinion in general as they are just regular bods like the rest of us.

Now if you were to ask for an opinion on if it is harder to be of mixed race rather than from a single race i'd say it probably is but that is true for all mixed cultures etc isn't it?

If i've missed your point though, i'm sorry.
Oh i see- "what's your opinion" was this afternoons's theme. Carry on..........
is there a "mixed race" ?
are we or are we not, The Human Race.
therefore how are we able to be mixed ?

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