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Role of Books in modelling the society.....

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shri | 16:14 Tue 01st Jul 2008 | Books & Authors
3 Answers
had the chance to read Philipe Claudel's Grey Souls....was very touching......the story portrays a myriad of emotions through its characters......


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I've just finished reading An Instance of the Fingerpost by Iain Pears which was excellent. It's set around the time of Charles the Second coming back from exile and Cromwell dying and many of the characters are actual figures from history, (in fact I think it's only Jack Prescott and Sarah Blundy that are fictitious). If you like stories that look at the subjective viewpoints of characters during a particularly interesting time in history (plus a bit of a murder mystery too) then I think you'd really like it.
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Well i had an oppurtunity to study Iain Pears' The Portrait was quite good.....i recently read a book of Benjamin Prado called "Snow is Silent"... more than the storyline, the narration and the protagonist's stance were amazing.....

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Role of Books in modelling the society.....

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